Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Eternal Generation of the Son

The eternal generation of the Son has been a concept that was difficult for me to understand. The Son is spoken as being generated (begotten) from the Father. The natural sense of the word "begotten" implies a beginning. Yet orthodox Christianity doesn't only hold to the generation of the Son, but the eternal generation of the Son. Thus affirming that although the Son was begotten, this begetting was not at any certain point in time. How does that make sense? What does this mean?

How does that make sense?

Imagine the sun. The sun cannot exist without its radiance and its radiance cannot exist without the sun. The radiance of the sun generates from the sun and therefore comes chronologically after the sun. But if the sun has eternally existed (as the Triune God has eternally existed), then the generation of the radiance isn’t chronological but only logical. 

So following the analogy above: 

  1. Since the Son was generated (begotten) from the Father.
  2. And the Son eternally existed (John 1:1; Phil 2:5-6) being referred to as YHWH (Phil 2:11; Heb 1:10–12).
  3. Then the generation of the Son expresses the logical order of the Persons of the Trinity to distinguish one from another, not to illustrate chronology. 
This is the same with regards to the procession of the Spirit from the Father and the Son.

What does this mean?

Seeing that the Son's generation does not speak of a chronological order, we see that there is yet a logical order within the Triune God. That is, the Father communicates the divine essence to the Son. What makes God, God, is what makes the Father, God. What makes the Father, God, is what makes the Son, God, because of this communication of the divine essence. 

Recognizing that the analogy is not perfect we can see this communication occurring, to a certain extent, in the sun analogy. The radiance of the sun is, in some sense, the communication from the sun to the emission of heat and light. What belongs to the sun also belong to the sun's radiance. So, the essence that belongs to the Father is communicated also to the Son.


So we see here that by affirming that the Son was begotten, it is in reference to the communication of the divine essence from the Father—not a beginning point in time for the Son. The generation of the Son is what distinguishes the Son from the Father and the Spirit. The Father and the Spirit were never begotten, but the Son was.

For more on eternal generation and the communication of the divine essence, see here.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Trinitarian Gospel in TULIP

Calvinism remains the centre of debate in a lot of Christian conversations. Did God actively predestine things to happen or does He passively foresee the future based on His foreknowledge? As the debate continues, I would like to share something that I learned awhile ago when I read Dr. James Boice's The Doctrines of Grace. In it he shows the harmonious work of the Trinity in the salvation of sinners.

Let me briefly explain. TULIP is the acronym used to describe the "5 points of Calvinism". It goes as follows:

  • Total Depravity - The effects of sin has affected every capacity of man. The body, the mind, and the will. It does not mean we are as bad as we can be, rather, every single part of a person has been affected by sin.
  • Unconditional Election - The choosing of the Father is not based on anything the sinner has done. The choosing of the Father is solely based on God Himself, according the the purpose of His will.
  • Limited Atonement - Rather than limiting the effect of the atonement (i.e. its sufficiency; its power), Calvinists believe the atonement made by Christ is limited in its extent. So, the atonement only covers the sins of those whom Christ died for. In essence, if Christ has died for you, you will be saved.
  • Irresistible Grace - If the Father has chosen you and Christ has died for you, then the Spirit will draw you to Him. He will give you a heart of flesh and cause you to be born again so that you will come to Him.
  • Perseverance of the Saints - The evidence of points ULI will be a perseverance unto the end. The true saints will strive until the end.
Incase you missed the harmony, look below:
  • T - the state of mankind
  • U - the work of the Father
  • L - the work of the Son
  • I - the work of the Spirit
  • P - the fruit of the work of the Triune God
Those whom the Father chosen, the Son dies for. And those whom the Son dies for, the Spirit gives regeneration. There is no disunity in the Trinity, the Father and Spirit are not at odds with the Son who some say died for every single person on earth. All are working together in bringing to pass the salvation of the elect.